Join Our Program Today
(402) 510-4418

Green Industry Recycling:
Set Up Your Recycling Center

Thank you for your interest in our new program. We will be setting up recycling drop off centers all over the United States starting with rewholesale nurseries in 2019. Our goal is to recycle as many plastic nursery containers as possible and to keep them out of the landfill.

Once you have your area set up to receive the recycled pots, send out a letter to your customers letting them know that you are taking the pots.

Here are the steps to our process when your recycled pot area fills up:

  • Our recycling company is looking for large piles, their trailer can handle almost 40 yards of material, and you can fit a lot of nested pots in a 40 yard container.
  • Take a picture and send it to Alan at (402) 510-4418 or and I can help you asses the size.
  • If you have enough there, I will alert the team and get your pickup scheduled for the very near future.
  • I will then contact you when they will arrive to pickup.
  • After they are done, they will take a picture of the load hopefully in range of your signage at your business so we can give recognition to the great work your company has done.

Setting up your site is easy, just pick a spot that is accessible to trucks and leave enough space to hold multiple sizes. Our team can do some sorting, but your space will be better used if customers nest similar pots.

Let customers know that the nesting is important for space purposes. Just dumping an unstacked group of pots is not acceptable, it is not a dump site.

Papio Valley Nursery
11015 South 48th Street
Papillion, Nebraska 68133